Notes from an Above-ground Man.
This page is for publishing my voluminous notes to myself, on every topic under the
sun. I am posting my most recent ones first, since in general the Notes get better as
time passes.

It might be best to think of this as my blog posts, but a lot more thought went into
most of these than I see on most blogs. I do link to my blog on a button, as well. My
intent is to post NEW thoughts there. Everything up to now, though, is going here.

I have to say, a lot of these ideas are quite good, and solve problems that many
philosophy students graduate having only understood. They will, of course, be
incorporated in future essays, but the raw "data" is here.

There are 37 Notes files, comprising something over 1,000 pages. With editing, I can
likely reduce that quite a bit. I will try to limit each one to 20 pages or so.

Click on the pictures to get the files, in PDF format.

My email is if you have questions on any of this.